I write what I think. While I try not to offend, I have opinions, and in the modern climate, that alone can be offensive to some. I may not always be correct, but my thoughts are my own, and I can and do adapt when presented with additional information.
Here on Poin.lol, you’ll find my musings on a variety of topics, often focused on tech and tech-related matters. The name ‘poin’ is a playful twist on ‘opine’—the proper term for expressing opinions—blending the idea of sharing my thoughts with a bit of personal flair. It’s not about perfection or correctness; it’s about embracing the subjective nature of viewpoints and letting them evolve.
I’ll comment on whatever catches my interest—whether it’s a YouTube video, an article, or something else. Where applicable, I’ll include a link to the source. I typically don’t write about war or US politics, as those subjects tend to drain the desire to exist.
While I use AI to clean up my wording and remove profanities for readability, rest assured that the original content is straight from the neurons in my head.